Suzanne Malek (a.k.a. Sam) is a best friend, a badass, a bandit, a boss, a bum and a beast. She's a trained and experienced voice actor in the San Francisco Bay Area with a natural and expressive voice. Her professional voice over background includes video games, commercials, short films, adult animation, audio dramas, and narration of many kinds. She also has experience in scripted stage acting and improvisational theater.
Sam Malek is a relentless and determined learner and creator. She knows how to use research, risk-taking, reflection, and revision to produce impactful work. Sam values authenticity, collaboration, curiosity, imagination, vulnerability and empathy, and finds that a good story well-told can embrace them all.
Neumann TLM 102, Synco D2 Shotgun
PreSonus Audiobox USB96, XMAX-L Preamp
MacBook Pro 2023, M2 Pro
macOS Ventura 13+, Audacity 3.3+
Source-Connect Standard, Zoom
Self-directed digital delivery of broadcast-quality voice over
and/or live direction and/or remote recording
Source Connect ID: smalek
Turnaround in 24 hours or less for most projects
Rates consistent with GVAA Rate Guide
Non-Union, SAG eligible